Why FAT accumulates more nowadays?



02:58 am

Why do we gain FAT?

Can you remember how many times have you heard of the questions related to FAT LOSS in the past 10 years.

Did you hear about FAT LOSS in the 90s or before that. These questions were not even in anyone’s imagination. Then where did all this come from?

Increase in amount of human population, has led to decline in quality of nutrition in foods. To fill the stomach we have to use pesticides and fertilisers, as the natural manure are not enough to grow large amount food. Adding to this the food companies are also playing there part in making sure that quality of food is downgraded by processing them to make their sales get better. When quality in food is compromised, the nutrition body gets from eating food is lesser comparatively but the calories are the same. To put it simply, what nutrition you would have gotten by eating an apple 100years back, to get that same nutrition you’ll have to eat 7-8 apples.

At the same time, we as a generation we are experiencing a big change in the lifestyle. We can sit in a room and actively engage with the world, we even don’t have to go out in search of food which was never the case with human beings till 10 to 15years back. Technology has brought comfort to us but has taken the natural ways in which human bodies have been designed.

So, the human body has been designed to move. The energy comes from the food and then the same energy has to leave through physical activity. Nowadays, we are not physically that active so the energy has to be stored somewhere and in majority of the population that energy gets stored around the stomach area.

As you know, earlier when human beings had to hunt for food. We had to move a lot and at the same time we had to eat more as we may not get food for a long time. So, there came in FAT stores within human body. Whenever high amount energy needs to be stored body’s intelligence uses adipose tissues for storage because 1 gram of FAT is equals to 9 Kcal.

So, what is the solution?

1. Get as much Physically Active as possible

The more you get physically engaged in some kind of activity, the better your health will be and the more fat your body will be able to oxidise. Look at it this way, you ate food be it good or bad, you will agree to me that everything comes with some positives and some negatives. So, your food also has positive and negative parts to it. If your excretory system is not functioning well then the toxins generated from foods will in some way or the other stored in the body. And if you do some kind of Hatha yoga or physical activity, your bodies ability to remove toxins from the system is greatly enhanced through sweat, urine and feces.

Start enjoying your early morning walking, running, swimming or cycling. And slowly include yoga, strength training etc

2. Make Healthy Daily Regime

Unless you are living a conscious life like yogis or sadhus. How you function and How your body is, it all depends on your regular daily routine. So, make a healthy daily routine and follow that for at least 3months with consistency to really get use to it. Once you get use to a good daily regime and experience the benefits of it, you won’t be able to leave it.

Start with waking up early (but operating your phone only after an hour) and removing all the blue light at least half an hour before sleeping.

3. Learn stay empty stomach

According to researches, fat burning starts after 3hours of having your meal. These days as the ease of getting processed foods with too much sugar and salt, it is challenging for a person to stay empty stomach. When you make a change in this direction at start it will be difficult to stay focused and do your process right but once you get through that initial challenge, it gets easier and easier with time.

You can start with creating a gap of 5-6 hours between the meals, and slowly progressing it to intermittent fast.

Hope to hear from you in the comments.

Thank You